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Welcome to our year 5 page, we have two classes in our year group, Brunel 5B (Engineer) taught by Ms Shuttleworth and Zephaniah 5Z (Poet), taught by  Mrs H Brown.   In addition to this, Miss Smith and Mr Turner support our learning.

Year 5 Weekly Timetable:

Please see below the Year 5 weekly timetable.  We alternate between week A/B which can be found on the school calendar.

Topics this year:

  • History – Victorian Reading; Ancient Egypt; the Mayans.
  • Science – Forces; Earth and Space; Properties and changes of materials; Living things and their habitats – life cycles, reproductive systems; Animals including humans – changes.
  • DT – bridges, Pop-up Books, Cooking.


In Year 5 we continue with Accelerated Reader, our reading programme, but we also look at how to answer comprehension questions based on a text extract.  Please promote a love of reading and read regularly at home. Reading should be recorded in your child's reading journals.


In Year 5, we develop the complexity of the sentences the children write. We continue to add clauses in different parts of the sentences, while encouraging children to select the sentence type carefully for effect.   We will introduce new punctuation, including the idea of parentheses, as well as consolidating learning from Year 4. 

Our writing is linked to the text we are focused on that term;

Autumn – settings, diaries, formal letters linked to The Journey.
Spring – persuasive writing, stories, newspaper reports and balanced arguments linked to Stormbreaker
Summer – non-chronological reports, stories, travel guides and instructions linked to The Explorer