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School Meals and Snacks

Our school meals are provided by Dolce.  Meals cost £2.87 per day, which must be paid in advance.  Meal orders can be placed, and payments made, online by visiting School Grid   An email invitation will have been sent to you to register - if you are experiencing any difficulties please contact us.  The current menu can be seen below or by viewing the pdf


Most children require a snack at morning break to keep them going through the day.  We encourage children to bring in healthy snacks.

Many of these will help contribute to their 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, keep them alert and help them concentrate.  If you are intending to send in healthy snacks with your child please limit them to the list below.

  • Vegetables/ vegetable sticks – such as celery, cucumber, peppers or carrot.
  • A piece of cheese (cheddar cheese or Babybel).
  • A piece of fresh or dried fruit – pineapple, mango, kiwi, plain raisins, apricots, blueberries, banana slices.
  • Bread sticks, plain pretzels, banana bread, malt loaf, oat/rice cakes and small pitta breads are also good snacks.

We are aiming for a common-sense approach, with the key being to keep it healthy and no chocolate, sweets or crisps during breaktime.


We need the children to stay hydrated and so please ensure they bring a named water bottle into school daily. 

Squash and fruit juice are not permitted apart from at lunchtime (in their lunch boxes).

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